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Meeting the Diverse Needs of Learners in the CNA Classroom

If you observed a nurse aide training classroom, you would likely see students from various cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. While these unique qualities can tell you much about the student, they don’t provide information about their diverse learning needs. Healthcare education programs must consider the learners’ diverse backgrounds, learning styles, abilities, and challenges to ensure accessibility and equality.

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diverse CNA students in a classroom

Technology in CNA Training: Utilizing Online Tools and Resources

A student does CNA training online from home.

While technological advancements are gaining rapid traction in the healthcare and nursing education industries, nurse aide training hasn’t seen the same growth and innovation, even though it’s instrumental in providing a positive learning experience for new nurse aides.

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Preparing New Grad CNAs: 4 Strategies for Nursing Facilities

Well-prepared CNAs are not just “nice to have” in senior living facilities. They are a necessity for providing holistic and comprehensive quality care. CNA turnover in nursing facilities has long been a challenge. However, recent studies have shown that the problem continues to worsen. In fact, one study cites an average turnover rate of 78.1% for CNAs in nursing homes. This statistic illustrates the importance of best practices for onboarding new graduate CNAs to mentor and support them in their new roles.

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New CNA graduate celebrates

Essential Traits for Top CNA Candidates: A Guide to Hiring Excellence

Interview for a CNA position

Hiring Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) in today’s constantly evolving healthcare environment is complex and challenging. The competitive hiring landscape, regulatory and policy changes, and technological advancements are just a few of the challenges you face. While it used to be enough to find a CNA with excellent technical qualifications and the ability to care for elderly residents or patients, this approach is no longer enough.

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Cultural Competence Training for CNAs: A Diverse Approach

Cultural competence training for CNAs is essential in creating a more inclusive and understanding healthcare environment. This blog explores the importance of diversity education and training in the workforce.

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RN Training CNAs on cultural competence

Meeting Nursing Home Staffing Mandates: How ReadyCNA Can Help

A healthcare team discusses new CMS staffing mandates.

The White House recently finalized a new rule setting minimum staffing requirements for nurse aides and registered nurses (RNs). This means facilities nationwide must ensure they have enough qualified staff to deliver high-quality care to residents.

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Effective Strategies to Recruit and Retain Top Nursing Assistants

Are you always looking for new CNA recruitment and retention strategies? If so, you’re not alone. Many long-term care facilities look for strategies to recruit and retain top CNAs. With the demand for skilled CNAs outpacing supply, a well-structured talent acquisition strategy might be your missing secret weapon.

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a magnet showing attarction

Mastering Infection Control: Engaging Training for Nursing Home Safety

nursing home employee wearing full PPE caring for elderly woman .

To fully comprehend the implications of the new CMS rule on enhanced barrier precautions, it is essential to understand its rationale and key changes from previous guidelines. CMS implemented the rule in response to the growing concern about antimicrobial resistance and the need for stricter infection control measures in nursing homes

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Recruiting CNAs: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Staffing shortages plague the long-term care industry. While many stakeholders talk about the nursing shortage, if you drill down further, you’ll likely find that nurse assistants are among the most sought-after healthcare workforce today. As the demand for skilled care in long-term care and skilled nursing facilities increases, the competition to attract and retain top CNA talent is fiercer than ever.

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group of skilled nursing facility employees including CNAs, nurses and doctors