The industry’s only purpose built, online training for Nursing Assistant Certification.
Our story-based content is the only CNA training experience that provides real life immersion and preparation for the emotional and physical challenges to be successful as a caregiver.
Provides video based online training to prepare new students for CNA certification
Meets all federal and state criteria, pairing perfectly with any lab and clinical requisites
Includes quizzes and tests so you know how students are learning
User friendly & audit ready tracking and student progress reporting
Training is great, but what is even better is when students remember and apply what they learned on-the-job, right? Scientists have discovered that students are more than 20X likely to remember what they learned when taught through story vs. traditional training methods. That is why we are proud to offer Hollywood style, story-based content that students love (and remember)!
Students are 20X more likely to remember what they learn through story! That means better on-the-job success.
Don't waste time trying to assemble content to meet complex state and federal requirements! Our products are "ready to go".
Get state approval fast! We have a 100% approval track record.
Soft skills can make or break caregiver success on the job. That's why we don't limit these skills to a single module, but continuously reinforce throughout.