Training Schools

Maximize your school's potential with online blended learning.
Student is studying online
Photo of training provider and student

Flexible & Engaging for Everyone

Our goal is to provide a more flexible and engaging approach for both training provider and student.

Screenshot of Called To Care

Unrivaled Engagement

What truly sets Cinematic Health apart from other online courses is our unique feature: Hollywood-quality videos. These engaging resources captivate learners on an emotional level, providing a meaningful framework for all content-based assets.

Meet the Residents

Designed for flexibility

Our flexible blended program allows providers to reach more students while instructors focus on skills training and student support.

Real-world ready

With the growing demand for healthcare workers, we aim to equip them for real-life interactions, balancing their adult learning needs.


Using cinematic storytelling, we guide prospective caregivers to master the skills and comprehend the emotional and social facets of their role.

Why Train Online?

a laptop with Cinematic Health Education's content on it

Why Train Online?

Increased Flexibility

You can offer flexible scheduling and pacing, ideal for students with tight schedules or commitments.

Improved Accessibility

You can aid students who lack traditional classroom access, like those in remote areas or with disabilities.

Cost Savings

Online learning is often cheaper, bypassing costs of physical classrooms and textbooks.

Increased Engagement

You can present innovative content through multimedia, real-time feedback, and online discussions.

Personalized Learning

It is easy to personalize experiences, letting students pace themselves and choose their interest topics.

Enhanced Teacher-Student Communication:

You can facilitate better teacher-student communication via channels like email, messaging, and video conferencing.

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ReadyCNA is the industry’s only purpose built, online training to prepare Certified Nursing Assistants

Provides video based online training to prepare new Certified Nursing Assistants for certification

Meets all federal and state criteria, pairing perfectly with any lab and clinical requisites

Includes quizzes and tests so you know how students are learning

User friendly & audit ready tracking and student progress reporting

a student studying online to become a HHA
A happy student

ReadyHHA is the industry’s only purpose built, online training to prepare Certified Home Health Aides

Provides video based online training to prepare new home health aides for certification

Meets all federal and state criteria, pairing perfectly with any lab and clinical requisites

Includes quizzes and tests so you know how students are learning

User friendly & audit ready tracking and student progress reporting

ReadyCaregiver is the industry’s only purpose built, online training to prepare Personal Care Aides

Provides video based online training to prepare new Personal Care Assistants for certification

Meets all federal and state criteria, pairing perfectly with any lab and clinical requisites

Includes quizzes and tests so you know how students are learning

User friendly & audit ready tracking and student progress reporting

a student studying online to become a HHA

Our Training Curricula Include a High-quality, Interactive, and Video-based Online Offering that:

Gives the flexibility of online learning for working adults

Features short, impactful movie episodes to engage students

Teaches content with a multi-modal approach

Fosters empathy and emotion through storytelling

Learn how we can partner with you to enhance your training experience.